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任务启动失败返回的错误码含义: The meaning of the error code returned when the task fails to start:

ErrorCode中文描述English description
2100402001设备自检失败Equipment self-check failed
2100200000有告警影响任务There are alarms affecting the task
2100102001急停Emergency stop
2100102022脚踏板未收起The foot pedal is not retracted
2100102002手动充电中Manual charging in progress
2100102004手动作业中Manual operation in progress
2100101010OTA升级中OTA upgrade in progress
2100102013远程控制中Remote control in progress
2100102020远程唤醒模式Remote wake-up mode
2100102016手动模式Manual mode
2100103007定位丢失Positioning lost
2020100013地图未联通Map not connected
2020100023工作点在未知区域The working point is in an unknown area
2100102023转向未初始化Steering not initialized
2100101011召唤模式中Summoning mode in progress
2100103007定位丢失(新)Positioning lost (new)
2100102014手工充电满未确认Manual charging full but not confirmed
2100103006地图不可用Map unavailable
2100103005站点推进中Site advancement in progress
2100101004绘制路径中Drawing path in progress
2100101002扫图中Scanning the map in progress
2100101008导航任务正在运行Navigation task is running
2100101007任务运行中Task running
2010100006无效的tagInvalid tag
2010100007任务区域不可达Task area unreachable
2010100008任务区域作业类型不匹配Task area operation type mismatch
2010100009操作数据失败Operation data failure
2010100010没有安装中彩摄像头No color camera installed
2010100011没有安装巡检设备神经棒No inspection equipment neural stick installed
2010100001JSON数据格式错误JSON data format error
2010100002参数不存在!Parameter does not exist!
2020100011地图不存在!Map does not exist!
2020100021导航点不存在!Navigation point does not exist!
2020100041组合任务不存在!Combined task does not exist!
2050104001其它操作正在执行中……Other operations are being executed...
2050104002用户已取消开始任务。The user has cancelled the start task.
2050104003用户已取消恢复任务。The user has cancelled the resume task.
2100101001机器人还未定位初始化。The robot has not been initialized for positioning.
2100101002扫图中,无法执行此操作Scanning the map, this operation cannot be performed
2100101003保存地图中,无法执行此操作Saving the map, this operation cannot be performed
2100101004录制路径中,无法执行此操作Recording the path, this operation cannot be performed
2100101005录制区域路径中,无法执行此操作Recording the area path, this operation cannot be performed
2100101006正在执行跨楼层任务,无法执行此操作Executing the cross-floor task, this operation cannot be performed
2100101007正在执行任务中,无法执行此操作Executing the task, this operation cannot be performed
2100101008正在导航中,无法执行此操作Navigating, this operation cannot be performed
2100101009乘梯中,无法执行此操作Taking the elevator, this operation cannot be performed
2100101010OTA升级中,无法执行此操作OTA upgrading, this operation cannot be performed
2100102001急停按钮被拍下,无法执行此操作Emergency stop button is pressed, this operation cannot be performed
2100102002手动充电中,无法执行此操作Manual charging, this operation cannot be performed
2100102003自动充电中,无法执行此操作Automatic charging, this operation cannot be performed
2100102004手动作业中,无法执行此操作Manual operation, this operation cannot be performed
2100102005用户已取消重启The user has cancelled the restart
2100102006取消定位初始化Cancel positioning initialization
2100102007定位初始化失败Positioning initialization failed
2100102008机器人有影响此操作的告警The robot has alarms that affect this operation
2100102009机器人重启失败Robot restart failed
2100102010机器人重启中Robot restarting
2100102011机器人在工作站上维护中The robot is under maintenance at the workstation
2100102012机器人正在初始化中The robot is initializing
2100102013机器人正在被远程控制The robot is being remotely controlled
2100102014手动充电满未确认是否拔掉了充电线Manual charging full, it is not confirmed whether the charging cable has been unplugged
2100102015未确认当前楼层是否正确It is not confirmed whether the current floor is correct
2100102016当前处于手动模式,无法执行此操作Currently in manual mode, this operation cannot be performed
2100102017机器人不支持此操作The robot does not support this operation
2100102018当前未执行任务No task is currently being executed
2100102019当前未执行导航No navigation is currently being executed
2100102020远程唤醒模式,无法执行此操作Remote wake-up mode, this operation cannot be performed
2100102023机器人还未完成转向找零初始化The robot has not completed the zero initialization of steering
2100102021坡道辅助中,请稍后再试Ramp assistance in progress, please try again later
2100102022脚踏板未收起,无法执行此操作The foot pedal is not retracted, this operation cannot be performed
2100103001未找到工作站或充电桩Workstation or charging pile not found
2100103002定位丢失Positioning lost
2100103003定位丢失,并且没有配置工作站Positioning lost and no workstation configured
2100103004定位丢失,并且配置工作站和站点Positioning lost and workstation and site configured
2100200000机器人有影响此操作的告警The robot has alarms that affect this operation
2100402001设备状态不满足当前操作需求Equipment status does not meet the current operation requirements
2100402002检测到障碍物,任务无法执行,请将车辆移动到空旷区域,并重新开始任务Obstacles detected, the task cannot be executed. Please move the vehicle to an open area and restart the task
2100402003区域冻结起始时间应大于当前时间至少1分钟The start time of the area freeze should be at least 1 minute greater than the current time
2020100061分区名称已经存在The partition name already exists
2020100062分区名称为空The partition name is empty
2100402004机器人已经在充电桩了The robot is already at the charging pile
2020100071该地图已关联楼层,请前往"楼宇管理-楼层管理"解除关联This map is associated with the floor. Please go to "Building Management - Floor Management" to disassociate
2020100022点名称已经存在The point name already exists
2100103007定位丢失Positioning lost
2010100003参数类型不合法Invalid parameter type
2020100001读写数据文件失败Failed to read and write data file
2020100002复制文件失败Failed to copy file
2020100012地图名字已经存在The map name already exists
2020100013地图未绑定,任务不可达,请重新选择任务Map not bound, task unreachable. Please reselect the task
2020100031路径不存在Path does not exist
2020100032路径名字已经存在Path name already exists
2020100042组合任务名字已经存在Combined task name already exists
2050101001任务列表中无任务No task in the task list
2050101002任务不是当前地图任务The task is not the current map task
2050101003任务类型未注册,不存在Task type is not registered and does not exist
2050101004激活码过期Activation code expired
2100200001存在补给的需求There is a need for replenishment
2100103008任务无法执行:把手被拉起Task cannot be executed: The handle is pulled up
2070401001请手动放空污水箱再操作Please manually empty the sewage tank before operating
2070401002操作过于频繁,请稍后Operation is too frequent. Please try later
2100102024维护模式中,无法执行此操作In maintenance mode, this operation cannot be performed
2100101013数据更新中,无法执行此操作Data is being updated. This operation cannot be performed
2020100014机器人当前位置和任务地点不匹配The current position of the robot and the task location do not match
2020100023工作点在未知区域The working point is in an unknown area
2100101011召唤模式中Summoning mode
2100103006地图不可用Map unavailable
2100103005站点推进中Site advancement in progress
2010100006无效的tagInvalid tag
2010100007任务区域不可达Task area unreachable
2010100008任务区域作业类型不匹配Task area operation type mismatch
2010100009操作数据失败Operation data failure
2010100010没有安装中彩摄像头No color camera installed
2010100011没有安装巡检设备神经棒No inspection equipment neural stick installed
2100103009该站点属性不允许保存This site attribute does not allow saving
2100102026轮毂自检未完成Wheel hub self-check not completed
2100102028头盖未关闭The head cover is not closed
2100102025处于休息(勿扰模式)中In rest (do not disturb mode)
2100402006有正在运行的维护项There are running maintenance items
2100402007没有正在运行的维护项There are no running maintenance items
2100402008该维护项不存在This maintenance item does not exist
2100402009请求与当前维护项不匹配The request does not match the current maintenance item
2100402010当前维护项未完成The current maintenance item is not completed
2100101015扫图程序已停止The map scanning program has stopped
2100101016扫图程序已运行The map scanning program is running
2111000001恢复失败,只能恢复扩展过的地图Restore failed. Only expanded maps can be restored
2111000002恢复失败,地图文件是最新版本Restore failed. The map file is the latest version
2111000003恢复失败,删除地图文件失败Restore failed. Deleting the map file failed
2111000004恢复失败,解压地图文件失败Restore failed. Unzipping the map file failed
2111000005恢复失败,更新地图列表失败Restore failed. Updating the map list failed
2110100001请重新绘制更新失败的电梯区域Please redraw the elevator area where the update failed
2100102027手动转场中Manual transition in progress
2100103010候梯点不存在Elevator waiting point does not exist
2010105001请设置8小时内清洁时间Please set the cleaning time within 8 hours
2010105002任务时间冲突,请重新创建排班Task time conflict. Please recreate the schedule
2010105003开始时间不可选择过去的时间The start time cannot be a past time
2010105004任务时间不能小于1分钟The task time cannot be less than 1 minute
2010105005当前任务距离开始时间过近,需大于1分钟The current task is too close to the start time and needs to be greater than 1 minute
2010105006当前任务和上一个任务结束时间过近,需大于1分钟The current task is too close to the end time of the previous task and needs to be greater than 1 minute
2010105007重复计划不允许更改为单次计划Repeated plans are not allowed to be changed to single plans
2100104008无副水箱No secondary water tank
2100101014强力洗地中Intensive floor washing in progress
2100102029机器人在桩,请退桩后重试The robot is at the pile. Please retreat from the pile and try again
2100101020一类停止触发Class 1 stop triggered
2010100012有临时任务There are temporary tasks
2010100013机器人在当前状态下无法切换站点The robot cannot switch sites in the current state
2020100024初始点处于未知区域中The initial point is in an unknown area